Douglas Borough Council has become the first local authority to use renewable energy technology – an air source heat pump (ASHP) – to heat its greenhouses.
The nursery’s oil heating system was coming to the end of its economically viable life and after careful analysis it became clear an air source heat pump would not only reduce the Council’s carbon footprint, but would also lead to savings on fuel oil, estimated to be in the region of £12,000 annually from April 2017. In addition to this, the electrical power for the pump attracts a reduced tariff so this new system is not only environmentally responsible and cost effective but will also, in the longer-term, help to lessen the impact on the rates.
Features of our ASHP include a remote monitoring facility to ensure that our heat pumps are monitored 24/7 and that they are built for 25 years reliability.
‘Douglas Borough Council is to be complimented on this installation that will not only reduce fossil fuel use but also carbon emissions to near zero, so the Council is not only reducing its carbon emissions but also saving money by reducing the spend on oil.’
The air source heat pump installed at Ballaughton Nurseries is probably the largest installation on the Island – and definitely the first horticultural application – and will make a substantial contribution to reducing the Isle of Man’s carbon emissions. It is forecast to deliver significant cost savings by removing the dependence on heating oil to keep the greenhouses and nursery plants warm during the cold winter months.’