Overview of the UK Government’s Building & Heating Strategy - Global Energy Systems

Overview of the UK Government’s Building & Heating Strategy

This webinar gives a brief overview of the governments strategy and measures to be adopted to put us on the road to Net Zero Carbon. We will explore the drivers for change, the challenges we face and solutions to form a robust low carbon heat strategy for our buildings.

Who should attend?

This webinar is aimed at the social housing networks. This will benefit Chief Executive Officers, Development Directors, Sustainability Directors, Regeneration Directors, Asset Management Directors, Development Managers, Sustainability Managers, Asset Managers and Regeneration Managers.

What will be gained from the Webinar?

The outcome of this session is to gain a better understanding of the drivers for change, core measures to be adopted, challenges that will be faced and a solution to successfully deliver a low carbon heat strategy to our homes.

Time/ Date

Friday 18th February 2022 at 10.30 am

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